I've spent two years in prison relaying stories sent by letters to a blogger about my crimes, arrests, and life in four Florida prisons, the Pinellas County Jail, juvenile detention and drug rehab. I'm sending a message to others not to make the same mistakes I did.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

People magnet

There are times, when for no reason at all, I get so frustrated.

I’ve never been the kind of person that likes to be around a lot of people and being here, I have no choice. I’ve gotten used to it for the most part, but there are times when I just want to sit and be by myself for a little while. But for some reason, everybody feels like when they see me alone, that I need someone to talk to.

Why is it when I want to hang out and talk to people, everybody is too busy, but when I want everybody to leave me alone, I’m like a magnet?

Really I could do all my time with maybe one or two people to talk to, but instead, I seem to be really popular. It’s most likely only because I’ve had news crews come and interview me, which in prison seems to bring unnecessary attention. It’s not always a bad thing, but it gets extremely aggravating. Everybody wants to get to know me or they think they already do.

Actually, to be honest, I’m in a pretty bad mood right now. No matter where I go to be by myself, people gather around me to talk. I try not to be mean, but it’s the only thing that will make them understand that I want to be left alone.

I could continue to rant forever so I’m just going to stop. I guess just talking about it like this kinda helps get it off my chest.

Tooth pain will put anybody in a bad mood!

1 comment:

  1. Reading through some of your posts I've picked up on that you have a hard time dealing with feelings and especially expressing those feelings. Basically, when you want to be alone (I know you are no longer there but this is applicable to everyday life too) you say, "I can't talk right now. I have a lot of things on my mind that I need to sort out. It's nothing personal."
