I've spent two years in prison relaying stories sent by letters to a blogger about my crimes, arrests, and life in four Florida prisons, the Pinellas County Jail, juvenile detention and drug rehab. I'm sending a message to others not to make the same mistakes I did.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

One step closer

This entry arrived in the mail on Friday, but was written over two weeks ago.

Finally. I’m one step closer to home. I’ve been transferred from Lancaster C.I. to Lake Butler Reception and Medical Center (RMC). I’ll wait here for about a week or so until either I go straight to work release or I go to the Orlando Reception Center for a few days. I’m not really sure which, but either way, I’ll be at a work release in two weeks at the most.

It almost doesn’t seem real. I’ll get to work a real job on the streets! Also when I leave the gates, I can wear my own clothes. Best of all though is after I’ve held a job for a month, I’ll start getting eight-hour home passes on the weekend! This will help me get readjusted to the outside. That’ll be a big help.

If I would’ve just got out from a normal prison, everything would be overwhelming and make me more likely to relapse, but now that I’m going to a work release center, I can get used to it a little bit at a time. Plus it’ll get me in the habit of holding a job.

Sure, I’ll still be incarcerated, but at least it’s one step closer to home.

1 comment:

  1. Ted, I'd be interested to know about any legitimate jobs you've held in the past. How long did you have them, and what happened?
