I've spent two years in prison relaying stories sent by letters to a blogger about my crimes, arrests, and life in four Florida prisons, the Pinellas County Jail, juvenile detention and drug rehab. I'm sending a message to others not to make the same mistakes I did.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ketchup on copper

Today I learned something kinda weird. I was given an assignment to clean the copper pipes behind the stove. As I went to go get some cleaning materials, the CO told me to go get some ketchup. “For what?” I thought maybe it was for lunch or something, but as it turns out, ketchup makes copper look brand new. Who would have thought! It was so easy too. I just let the ketchup sit on the pipes for 10 – 15 minutes and scrubbed the pipes. All the rust and grime came right off.

When I started, the pipes looked 50 years old and when I finished, the pipes looked like they were just installed. I didn’t even have to scxrub hard.

So if you have any copper pipes that look like they were installed in the 1930s, you should try putting ketchup on them. You’ll be surprised!


  1. I am 69 years old and all this time, I have been spending money on special copper cleaner, when all I had to do was bring out the ketchup. Well, I'll be...... Thanks for the tip and the chuckle. Enjoying your posts, so much! Keep it up. If you have a chance look up my Grandson. I think he is in Dorm 7. Had the same experience with his lawyer. I was there when we were told he would probably get Time Served.

  2. Got a letter from Ted today and he is very interested in The Throw away kids....There is a young man after my own heart >>Can't wait to meet him >>>d
